Module 1: Cross-Cultural Interactions

Your ability to interact with people from different cultures than your own is becoming an increasingly important workplace skill. No longer can we assume that the person sitting next to us or across from us possesses the same work ethic, behaviors, language, or values that we possess. Knowing how to connect appropriately with people from different cultures has been proven to improve the engagement and fluidity of the environment so that everyone experiences equity and inclusion in the workplace.

In this course, you’ll be guided through how to have effective and appropriate cross-cultural interactions. This will lead to developing an individualized action plan to assist you in interacting more appropriately with people from different cultures to establish a more equitable and inclusive workplace environment.


What Will I Learn?

  • How to explain why effective and appropriate cultural interactions are important in the 21st-century workplace.
  • How to summarize strategies that can be used to improve your cross-cultural interactions.
  • How to develop a written action plan to outline what you will do to improve your ability to have effective and appropriate cross-cultural interactions.