Module 4: Cultural Intelligence For White Leaders

The 21st-century workplace looks and feels radically different from the 20th century. The United States of America culture, which was defined as primarily a Western culture (European) in origin and form, is now influenced by a multicultural ethos that includes African, Native American, Asian, Polynesian, and Latin American. Even within these races, many ethnicities and subgroups have differences in languages, religions, food, celebrations, work ethics, art, and most importantly, traditions. This “melting pot” has dramatically influenced and challenged employees and leaders of organizations to develop the cultural intelligence to interact effectively with people who may think, act, and work differently from our primary culture.

In this course, you’ll be guided through a conversation about cultural intelligence, why it’s an important skill to have in the 21st-century workplace, the four dimensions of cultural intelligence, and strategies to practice becoming more culturally intelligent. This will lead to developing an individualized action plan to assist you in creating a workplace where you can demonstrate to your fellow employees an enhanced understanding and respect for cultural traditions.


What Will I Learn?

  • How to state the reasons why cultural intelligence is an important skill in the 21st-century workplace.
  • How to identify the four dimensions of cultural intelligence.
  • How to summarize strategies that can be used to improve your cultural intelligence.
  • How to develop a written action plan to outline what you will do to enhance your cultural intelligence and others in your workplace.